If you like anime and want to watch the latest episodes of your favorite series or download episodes to watch later, RipJKAnime offers a wide range of anime that you can download or watch directly on your device.
The interface is not that great, to be honest, but once you start using it, you'll get used to it. In the first window there's a search engine where you can enter the name of the series you're looking for and filter by language or quality, for example. You can also browse the catalog in alphabetical order at your own pace.
Each and every one of the series has its episodes arranged chronologically by release date, so it's easy to watch them in order without missing any. When you click on one, you'll see a message prompting you to choose an action: read comments, watch online, or download. If you decide to watch it online, you can choose whether you watch it on an external player or one you have installed on your device. RipJKAnime uses multiple platforms to generate and update its catalog – Jkanime.net, AnimeID.TV, Animeflv.net – so you can search for all your favorite series from a single interface.